Law enforcement officials serve a high calling: to keep others safe and maintain order in society. The job is undeniably a difficult one, made even more challenging by the continual prospect of civil litigation that may arise from an officer’s split-second decision, which is often made under highly tense and uncertain circumstances.
Claims brought against law enforcement officials are often brought under the Civil Rights Act of 1871 ( 42 U.S.C. § 1983). These claims may be costly to litigate, with multiple parties being named as defendants, including law enforcement agencies, their supervisors, and elected officials. Such claims are not subject to the traditional sovereign immunity damages caps and can lead to large judgments, placing further pressure on public budgets that are already strained. Additionally, a prevailing plaintiff in a Section 1983 lawsuit can be awarded attorney’s fees, which is often the driving force in such a case.
The attorneys at Walker, Revels, Greninger, PLLC are renowned throughout the state of Florida for their experience handling police liability claims. Our team is comprised of skilled litigators and military veterans with a keen understanding of the nuances of defending law enforcement professionals. Our victories in trial court have been tested – and affirmed – on appeal. We understand the nuances of these claims, the defenses that must be raised at the outset, and the strategies that can be used to put a quick and final end to the lawsuit before the cost of defense outpaces the value of the case.
Contact Walker, Revels, Greninger, PLLC for Assistance
If you would like to speak to an experienced attorney regarding your claim, then please call us at 407-789-1830 or complete an online intake form to schedule a consultation.
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