Our governmental defense lawyers are well-known for their representation of state and local governments throughout the state of Florida. We have successfully defended over 35 different Florida counties, municipalities, school boards, and public utilities from the wide variety of claims that may be brought in this arena. Our attorneys are well versed in the nuances of these claims and are frequently asked to present on these topics before governmental risk managers, city and county commissioners, and claims adjusters specializing in this area of the law. Our successes have been documented in numerous state and federal court victories, including in the following areas:
- Police and law enforcement agency claims
- Prison, jail, and detention center matters
- Zoning and land use disputes
- First Amendment and defamation claims
- Claims under Title II of the ADA
- Suits against elected officials
- School based claims
- Municipal tort claims
- Premises liability
- Workers’ Compensation
In matters such as these, our firm’s effective pleading strategies often result in summary judgment, saving our clients the expense and exposure of a trial. We thoroughly analyze each claim in order to assert all available defenses and immunities, and take affirmative steps to mitigate exposure and to deliver effective and efficient results for our clients.
Contact Walker, Revels, Greninger, PLLC for Assistance
If you would like to speak to an experienced attorney regarding your claim, then please call us at 407-789-1830 or complete an online intake form to schedule a consultation.
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Iaculis consectetur erat, tempor lobortis orci maximus quis. Nulla mollis felis nec nibh consequat tempus. Nunc sed tincidunt neque. Quisque fringilla urna eu tincidunt consequat. In ullamcorper metus nibh, a sollicitudin urna egestas non.